What is Feeling Tired or Chronic Fatigue?
Everyone can get the feeling of tiredness and most of the adults have experienced chronic fatigue. Each person feels tired at some point in their lives. Though you have experienced chronic fatigue it is another form of complicated stress or lingering tiredness, constant and limits your duties.
It may be defined as an overwhelming sense of tiredness such as sleeplessness, lack of energy and feeling of exhaustion. This may cause many other problems or it may develop into problematic health issues. Fatigue is complex and difficult to explain. So, one must pay attention if they have one of these symptoms.
The damage you’ll get is unpredictable if neglected. There are biological and psychological facts that are directly related to this phenomenon.
What is the Difference Between Feeling Tired and Fatigue?
We all experience tiredness at times, which can be relieved by sleep, nap or rest. Fatigue is overwhelming tiredness, which was not relieved with sleep or with rest.
You should consult a doctor or a psychologist when you have the syndrome CF (chronic fatigue). When you are fatigued you have no motivation or energy to move or to do any work that you are intending to do.
Why Do You Feel Tired (or Fatigue)?
Have you ever questioned about the tiredness of yours or with anybody else? With this article, you will be bounced back to your normal happy life again. Have you ever checked what you did before you were tired? Have you got any plans for your daily routine?
Tiredness is actually a normal part of life but fatigue is dangerous. It may occur after mild activity Such as household chores, shopping, office work, and poor time management or else because of children. You may be exhausted even to manage your daily routine.
According to statics (CDC- center for disease control – USA), more females are liable to drown in this problem/ disease than males
How it becomes chronic Fatigue? (Mechanism)
Feeling tired is normal in time to time, but if it becomes regular, one should pay attention to that condition because it may cause damage especially to your brain and heart. There are biological and psychological mechanisms for chronic fatigue It will also weaken your immune system due to lack of sleep.
The hormones of the hypothalamus-Pituitary, Adrenaline axis are corticotropin-releasing hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, and cortisol. The axis is regulated by positive and negative feedback and is influenced by factors such as cortical and sensory input. As cortisol is an important hormone for wellbeing, disturbance of the hypothalamus-pituitary adrenaline axis may influence fatigue
Reasons for Tiredness and Fatigue

The most commonly identified reasons are poor time management and heavy workload during the given time to achieve. Other than these two major issues there are many other problems such as lack of energy, health issues, family background, food consumption, and financial problems, etc.
Symptoms of tiredness and chronic fatigue
- Difficulty in staying upright
- Muscle and joint pain
- Digestive problems (gastrointestinal)
- External stimuli
- Brain fog and flu
- Vertigo=dizzy or spin
- Reckless legs
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Diabetes
How Does it Happen?
1. Difficulty in Staying Upright
This will happen because they feel dizzy. Most of them complained about dizziness or that they feel like spinning. They like to lie on a bed or on a sofa.
2. Muscle and Joint Pain

This is very common among those who have chronic fatigue. Muscle pain and joint often have no apparent cause and it will last for about two-three weeks can greatly interfere with the quality of life.
3. Digestive Problems (gastrointestinal)
This will happen because they lose appetite and most of them miss their meals. The other cause is the lack of nitrous food. It may cause anemia also. Due to ignoring their meals, they get gastrointestinal problems.
4. External Stimuli
Those who experience this symptom are unable to listen to sound and smell. They hate those external stimuli. This is due to the experience that they had throughout the year, maybe the workplace or the environment.
5. Brain Fog and Flu
Brain fog is another symptom that deals with your brain and memory You may feel confused or disorganized and hard to concentrate on the work that you are attached. Sometimes you are unable to put your thoughts into words. Forgetfulness and inability to have sharp memory or poor recalling memory are very common among them.
6. Vertigo (dizzy or spin)
Vertigo is a common symptom. People feel dizzy or as though the room is spinning around them constantly. This will cause blurred vision and disorientation.
7. Reckless Legs
This is when you get an overwhelming urge to move your legs and you are unable to do so. Both arms and legs are affected especially in the evening or night. Due to this, you’ll lack sleep or erratic sleep may occur.
8. Anxiety
Stressful events such as examinations, interviews or any other event that the result is unpredictable can make anyone feel a bit anxious.
Sometimes little worry or anxiety may trigger your work with regard to test and other scheduled work or targeted work. It can help you to get ready for the upcoming situation, but excessive tiredness may react quickly and intensely and will spoil these situations
9. Depression

Someone can feel it every day and it will be at the root of fatigue. Depression affects both men and women but (during the pregnancy also) after giving birth, women have postpartum depression. The mood is a dominant aspect of life; mood disorders lead to a large number of psychiatric conditions
10. Diabetes
Diabetes is very common among all ages. Those days it was limited to aged people but now even very young are caught with this disease. One of the main symptoms of diabetes type one and two is tiredness or fatigue. Researchers have found that tiredness or chronic fatigue is one of the major facts to have this disease.
11. Erratic Sleep
Being sleepy may be a symptom of fatigue but it is not the same Most of the people with this syndrome complain about sleepless nights. This is due to their tiredness or the workload that they have.
12. Cognitive Function
Some people have the problem of making or expressing cohesive and coherent utterances in making clear sentences or expressing their ideas. Most of them lack their short-term memory. Another problem is that they can’t understand the reading. This is a comprehensive problem. Any serious illness, such as cancer or stroke can make you tired
How can you Avoid such Situations?
Generally, when One with these syndromes may use Eye mask for colorful advertisements and ear pods for sounds. (external stimuli). Meditation and medication methods are not common and those methods are entirely different from other therapies.
Common Therapies, Methods, and Remedies to Get Rid Of this Phenomenon

- Talk to your doctor/professional therapist
- Exercise daily
- Relax
- Meditate
- Engage with social work, charity or volunteer work
- Talk to your friends, family members, and special ones
- Be conscious about your worries
- Change your daily routine
- Eat healthy food, such as leaves, vegetables, fruit, blueberries, cocoa, sweet potatoes almond milk animal protein and coconut milk.
If your fatigue is related to your heart disease, medication or treatment procedures can help the problem and restore your energy. If neglected it will cause severe damage even to your life.
Other Health Issues Related to this Syndrome
You may feel or have many more symptoms related to fatigue. All are intermingled to each symptom, like a chain. One symptom affects the previous or the next one. Most of the time fatigue is not the first symptom of heart disease but It is likely to change your palpitation also. The following are the symptoms of fatigue.
- Anemia
- Post external malaises
- Paresthesia
- Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
- Food allergies
- Urinary tract infection
- Coeliac diseases
- Glandular fever
“Man was made at the end of the week’s work. God was tired” by Mark Twain