First and foremost, dear reader, can I tell you something? Aging is not wrong or ugly or anything closes per day. For me it means; if done gracefully; success and accomplishment. Achievement in every sense of the word. Here is this article we have described the top 8 anti-aging foods that you must consume to enjoy a healthy and long-lasting life.
This article is about doing it so, with blossoming health. Simple as that. And here I present a list of foods that, for the lack of a better word, are anti-aging. Food to rejuvenate your body and renew your strengths. To bring out the glow that is difficult to sidestep come many years or more. To bring out a healthy countenance and an undying confidence in the air around you.
You may have guessed some of the contents on my list already. Food with rich antioxidants, healthy nutrients and water. There is only so much that serums and lotions can do and research has it that nothing; absolutely nothing can do to our biggest organ; our skin; what the food we consume can.
This goes to show how significant a role our choice of food plays. It is unfortunate, at the same time, how we neglect this aspect of our lifestyle while it is easier and more cost-effective to handle.
1. Avocado
Fancy healthy fats? This fruit has it all! Rich in monounsaturated fats, the avocado helps maintain skin keeping it clear and elastic. Avocado also contains vitamin E which is a rich antioxidant necessary for clear skin. Apart from this, avocado helps with a healthy heart, strong bones and even weight loss.
2. Green Tea
Bye-bye unclear skin! Due to catechins and polyphenol in green tea, the skin develops a natural sunscreen and protects from different causes of skin damage like sun and stress. Green tea is a cancer-fighter which results in it also being a DNA-repair tool. This helps skin protection from UV rays.
3. Blueberries

Blueberries carry antioxidants that help keep skin supple and sharpen your brain. They are rich in vitamins A and C and are considered as the best anti-aging foods. They contain more antioxidants than almost any other food!
4. Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables or vegetables of the family Brassicaceae like bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, and other similar green leafy vegetables bring a plethora of benefits to the table with them. A great source of vitamin C promoting collagen while being a rich source of vitamins A and K and folate which is your natural sunscreen! These vegetables also strengthen bones and your heart.
5. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains high levels of flavanol that provide a sun damage-protection screen for your skin. Flavanols encourage efficient blood flow and contribute to the suppleness and hydration of the skin. The higher the cocoa content, the high the flavanol content and thus, the better the benefits of dark chocolate. So, always go for 70% dark if you can.
6. Almonds
Almonds contain vitamin E which helps contribute to all aspects of glowing skin, repairing skin tissue and preserving its moisture, softens the skin and protects it from dangerous UV rays. Rich in magnesium, zinc, calcium, and proteins, they help greatly in nourishing skin and hair and historically considered a precious ingredient used in food, body creams, and various beauty regimes. Almonds also help reduce dark circles and puffy eyes, improve eyesight and again, due to its magnesium content, prevents hair fall by improving the strength of hair strands.
7. Sweet Potatoes
Like almonds and other nuts, sweet potatoes contain vitamin E which helps emanate a natural glow and bright complexion. Sweet potatoes can be made into face masks and also made into delicious dishes and consumed. This is alongside its vitamin C content which tightens the skin by boosting its collagen. Sweet potatoes also contain beta carotene which converts to vitamin A contributing to skin elasticity.
8. Salmon

Omega 3 is key in boosting complexion. Salmons and sardines contain omega 3 which also reduces inflammation and slows down the development of skin cancer. Again, salmons are also sources of vitamin E. If you don’t have a feel for salmon, you can receive your omega 3 from walnuts, soybeans, chia seeds, and flax seeds.
3 Foods to Avoid
Along with powering yourself with these golden foods, there also needs to control over foods which encourage skin breakouts, dull and dehydrated skin:
1. Alcohol
According to nutritionist Jairo Rodriguez, Alcohol is one of the worst and most aggressive compounds that can damage your skin. The extra toxins built up in the liver through alcohol consumption can result in multiple issues like acne and wrinkles.
2. Margarine
Studies show that a higher intake of margarine contributes to wrinkling skin. Not all fats are good, as you know, and margarine is one of them. The polyunsaturated fats in margarine can deter hydration, muting cells and causing inflammation.
3. Sugar
Excessive sugar can damage collagen resulting in affected and stiff-looking skin. But how, you may ask? Well, eating food with a high glycemic index can cause inflammation which directly affects the skin and triggers conditions like acne and eczema. Its stubborn contact with teeth also leads to decay.
Maintaining beautiful skin and health needs to be a part of your lifestyle for actual, long term results. We also need to bear in mind the aspects apart from food that can drastically show in our skin like a good night’s sleep, good stress management and exercise which are equally important to maintain.